Heading home from a holiday party and it’s suddenly snowing.

Happy holidays from

139 990

Alright lets get some holiday comic ideas. What would you like to see in the next doodleverses!

Heres an oldie but a goodie.

203 1592

Happy Unspecified holiday gathering dinner coming up.

209 1564

100th issue of so you know it has to go out with a boom.

Thank you all for reading and following this journey.
For everyone exploding out of twitters, hope y’all follow me on IG by the same name /ag_nonsuch

288 1950

99 issues of random doodles, and a whole fictional series/podcast within a fan-fictional comic series, later.


100 784

I had written this way back, I don’t remember when it was suggested but it’s a shout out to you!

173 1505

Sunday activities. (Made this when I did yoga, once.) also a reference to 🐼.

231 1976

Uploaded the wrong order before.

Now corrected allez cuisine.

170 1312

What do y’all wanna see in the next

28 674