Behold, Helluva Boss edition. I rarely finished anything ever. Local cryptid, possibly deceased, we're not sure.

6 27

I feel that this year I did little

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It's amazing how much art can convey fear and emotion.

7 18

I think I did this before but I could be wrong. If so here I is😏#commissionsopen 📧 👉🏿 👈🏾 all my links

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ano passado eu postei o olho esquerdo, esse ano eu postei o direito, no próximo eu posto o nariz e assim por diante até ter meu rosto por completo como um exodia

5 15

aka the year I learned to master the color white and purple...🤣🤣🤣

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this year has gone quickly.... so much has happened...

3 15

I made a lot more comic pages than colored illustrations this year, but I made a lot of stuff and there's even a Blender piece this time around!✨

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The difficulty in being consistent with his face

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Pourquoi me faire chier à avoir une image nette de moi quand je peux avoir une photo floue MAIS où je suis en salopette et poncho?
C'est amusant, je trouve mes dessins vraiment jolis... tous sauf un

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