I've noticed a bunch of these all over social media lately. So here's mine. I could fill a few with the amount I draw. So I chose recent pieces in black and white.

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Bluehilda is picking on me for jumping on the art vs artist bandwagon.

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I know i'm late but well i couldn't possibly miss an opportunity to post a selfie!! 😌

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everybody's doing it! im jess, 20, they/them, and i like drawing characters on blank backgrounds facing to the left!

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Angels and Crosses may be considered “cliche” by some...but is that really a bad thing!! Can’t have too many symbolic reminders to keep our hearts in check :) ❤️🙏🏻

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no tengo ni idea de que es , pero parece algo que todo el mundo hace, así que bueno :/ (lo normal es que en el centro esta una foto del dibujante, pero si enseño mi cara, podría romper pantallas).#artvsartist2018

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โพสในเฟสแล้ว แปะในทวิตไว้ด้วย

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Did you know posing with your anime figures makes you look 200% more unattractive?

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