293/100 I keep making new characters but I don't give them any names or purpose. It's a bad habit

1 7

292/100 Progress report; Hair is way more fun to draw when simulating painting

1 9

291/100 WIP Really enjoying drawing/painting this one!

1 10

281/100 Spent some hours on this one again, can you tell?

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280/100 Put the other drawing to the side, not feeling 100% on it, gonna practice a bit more before taking it on - and this one, I just couldn't drop my pen, I just kept painting

0 8

278/100 Trying to be fancy and simulate painting, real fun!

0 8

277/100 Got slight coughs still after the airplane flu, gonna stream over on some day later this week for sure!

0 7

Day 8 is done! Today's word was Summoner and Wanted to do a Viera summoner and I think is a piece I wanna continue later this year!

1 6

260/100 Knight falling to save the day! Also Final day drawing in Swedenland, going to be in Boston from the 5th to the 13th!

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257/100 So, being sleepy, and streaming on makes me be able to draw a bit cuter stuff I guess. Shortish stream, ended with hosting

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253/100 helpme.. I'm melting in this heat

0 7

Here a little art I did last week , Sorry for being off for so long but internet problem happen. But we will get back into art stronger and better <3

1 17

252/100 Chefman reaching for new goals

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251/100 Shy fellow, he got a taily friend tho

1 12

250/100 I don't even know what the heck I'm drawing half of the time, but hey, I'm having fun

1 7