Current M!A: Alsie has to wear traditionally feminine wear (dress, painted nails, heels) for the next 9 asks she receives!
Alsie: I hope no one sees me like this!... ESPECIALLY Heinrich! He won't let me live this down!

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Mikayla: You put up with me because you want to!
Heinrich: Don't flatter yourself.

3 6

I don’t mean to brag, but I’ve had a few papers published with multiple historical societies!

4 4

IiIi TtHhIIinK IiItTT’s oOoOn tTtThe SsSsTtrOoOngGgest SsEeEtTtTiIiNGgG!..

4 5

Helen's job in hell, right hand woman to all rulers of hell and don't get scared to slap them silly and her hell outfit

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Haven't done one of these for awhile so let's go!!

Doing Flux seems she's been in the shadows of Kira and Cygnus for awhile. 😀


Art by Raiden-Silverfox, Kogut and KasumiBun.

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I don’t think anyone wants to date someone who’s dead!... Unless you’re into that kinda stuff.

3 4

Current M!A: Mikayla, Jade, Bailey, Tori, Behrukh, Alsie and I are having a slumber party for the next 8 asks we receive!
Bailey: I’m pretty sure she violated every Geneva Convention.

4 4

Current M!A: Mikayla, Jade, Bailey, Tori, Behrukh, Alsie and I are having a slumber party for the next 11 asks we receive!
Tori: My boyfriend is pretty mysterious and prefers to stay unseen… just like Ellie, for the most part.

3 3

Current M!A: Mikayla, Jade, Bailey, Tori, Behrukh, Alsie and I are having a slumber party for the next 12 asks we receive!
Mikayla: I won’t hesitate, b*tch!

3 3

Current M!A: Mikayla, Jade, Bailey, Tori, Behrukh, Alsie and I are having a slumber party for the next 13 asks we receive!
Ellie: I should be working on that webcomic but instead I’m doing this--
Alsie: ...what webcomic?

3 3

Current M!A: Mikayla, Jade, Bailey, Tori, Behrukh, Alsie and I are having a slumber party for the next 14 asks we receive!
Behrukh: T-the what

5 3

I kind of want to do the Ask my Oc thing to get back into drawing expressions. Anyone wanna ask Willow questions, and I'll draw her response!

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