Post your 4 main champs and let people determine what type of person you are by your champ choices

jhiggs, jhinged, jhone, kassajhin

53 779

“Assaj Ventress - I’m doing some traditional material repaints of my art - I’ll post a Sith/Ventress painting very soon... probably tomorrow (Friday) if I get it finished- they will be for sale through my Website.” - Dermot Power ()

37 393

Un AT Con la beiah hermosa presiosah

13 41

“Sith design from Character became Assaj Ventress in and various comics and books. I've seen some beautiful work done with the character. Still wish Lucas went for her as the Sith though.” - Dermot Power

194 1303

1-Darth Maul
3- Assajj Ventress
4- Mara Jade Skywalker

1 2

Sketch done, Blanco was feeding to Dark, a lil dude that now massajes his tummy a bit

2 16

For , a repost of the only Golden Sun fanart I've ever drawn, of Baghi from Dark Dawn! I loved these games especially for the number of fantasy cultures they featured inspired by diverse Asian settings, and Passaj was my favorite by far!

34 66

Un altre repte de . Pintura dels en acció durant els assajos de
Demà al convertirem la en els a de color i el en

2 6

No son les 7h del mati i ja estic flipant.
-Senyora esta plovent sí, però està sota la coverta de l'estació! Què fa encara amb el paraigues obert sobre el cap i passajant duna banda a l'altre com si estigues sota la pluja?

0 0

More star wars girls. It is necessary to finish one more picture from this series.

3 11

Dibuix del darrer Assajar es de covards amb el music Diego Paqué.

0 0

Hope everyone's having a good Columbus Day 🇺🇸. Reading some and felt like drawing up something💥orig 65$

1 11