malenevere 🌺🌻
i was asked about Gwynevere’s thought when she saw Malenia for the first time. I like to think there was nothing, just a sweet scent lingers, and clouds, and burns with love…
A princess who was deeply deeply astray.

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Young Prince Dark Choco 🥺💕
Oh young prince, why did you go astray...?

Anyway I hope dad Cacao comes home now gdi 😭

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[evil bedi 🙂]

Worry not, my king. All is well. This lowly Bedivere will never lead you astray.

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protect, & enlighten me,
& to bring me back to the right way when I go astray.

Encourage me when I am disheartened,
& instruct me when I err in judgment.

Help me to become more Christlike,
& so some day to be accepted
into the company of Angels & Saints in heaven.


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Thanks so much for the chance <3 Guess I'll drop a line about the book project I'm working on called Astray. Might get a few hits hopefully. It's being posted for free while I continue working on it. About 75% done with the first book 👍

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ALWAYS down to make friends. I also big anxiety but so far my faux confidence hasn’t lead me astray. Hi hi, names Meli

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“What do you think? If a man has 100 sheep & one of them goes astray, does he not leave the 99 & go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the 99 that did not go astray."

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"The beautiful girl full of fascinating which leading people astray. Like being fascinated by the beauty of wisteria flowers."💜

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“If dangerous ideas didn’t excite the imagination, we would never wander astray.”

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"The stars will lead you astray."
introducing my new highborne sorcerer, Irenar, who is very handsome indeed 😳😳😳
this magnificent piece is by , who i can't thank enough for bringing him to life so amazingly!! 😭❤️💕💖

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Introducing my new character, Nachash! He's the great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson of the serpent from Genesis, and he likes to hypnotise pretty girls and lead them astray.

Art by AuraStudio

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Today's Mobile Suit of the day is the ZGMF-X12A Testament Gundam from Gundam SEED Destiny Astray.

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Tonight I dance the night away
forget about those who led me astray.

The darkness takes away the pain
You won’t see me again, you will never hear me (crying) again.

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Makin new sprites for Filly Astray. Because, the old stuffs were no good.

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May it be all white;
May it be grey;
As easy as a swipe;
People go astray.

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meet grace!

grace is magda's roommate and friend. she's a soft-spoken girl who's careful about following the rules, and tries to look out for others when they fall astray.

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Today is the birthday of my dear friend , here is your gift!
The spirit sits in its puddle,
Counting fireflies to pass the time.
Then comes a traveler, and it's time to play.
And with its lights, playing to pass the time,
The traveler is led astray.

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Red Frame Kai! its an upgraded version of Astray Red Frame from Gundam Seed Astray.

its my top 1 favorite mobile suit lol i even have a decal of it on my car

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|| Fear not this night, you will not go astray...
|| Though Shadows fall, still the stars find their way.

Poor Garahdiin, a gone so long from home that his rememberance of Darnassian is closer to Wisp-speak than it is people speak

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