Thank you for liking 🐈🦆🦆🦆🦆 and other drawings I post 💘
Actually,... I sent this to Fish Tank also. I'm so glad Imai is rehabilitating 🌈💝

14 72

Rock and Read 097 🛁🐱🦆🦆🦆🦆

2nd drawing today 🙀 I was too hyper 💦

18 97

I believe everyone has seen the original picture of this work,and I tried to draw what he should look like,I hope you will like it.

5 20

(・・。)ゞ The missing part of Go-Go B-T Train image?

18 62

Mr.Darkness and Mrs.Moooooonlight!

said Imai is Mrs. Moonlight.
I agree 😻 so I tried to doodle too! ‘s drawing of Imai and Achan is sweet 😻💝

14 58

……eh……….. uh……..(//・_・//) 💦

*:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`) commission request by

7 25

Neko Achan, what are you dreaming🐱?

♪君 は ま だ 眠 っ て い る 何 を 夢見 て る♫
~ Trans

Song prompt from | ू´ᆺ`●)

9 34

Old illustrations I did for a vkei fanart series. Kind of miss drawing in this style (ಥ﹏ಥ)

0 5

A quick watercolor doodle! My memory got confused and drew the other outfit on Hiroshi 💦

Sorry repost because forgot closeup.

14 53

I was going to idle after drawing ears on Achan's photo. But I watercolored again 🙀

9 37