Glenise's piece works well with the cubes in this space as it depicts weathered cubes!

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Apreciar la fauna australiana💙

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add orange walls to timber floors - create a sculptural feature bookcase

Our ideas for 2023 trends -SCHEME 3 - orange

Cool citrus creates a tropical party feel!


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El viaje de a sintetizado en dos viñetas australianas: y

➕#humor de reciente

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Glenise uses shapes and colours to create the energy of the Pacific Islands - hear the singing and laughter!

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"Swings" by Ethel Spowers (1890-1947) is a linocut from 1932. I love the way the swing ropes and the children's bodies all curve.

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Matilda es una ilustradora autodidacta australiana interesada en la conservación y la divulgación

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Los macacos son los únicos primates que entraron en el Paleártico y también en la región Australiana: cruzaron la Línea de Wallace las 6-7 especies endémicas de la Isla Célebes y el macaco cangrejero en las islas de más allá de Lombok. Para saber más:

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The oozlum bird is an Australian bird with bright plumage which flies backwards or in ever decreasing circles until it disappears into its own backside. For this reason, it is very rarely seen. Image by Delas Shadow.

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