Don't forget to tell your loved ones that they're worth your time and effort. It's surprising how many people have never heard this.

9 40

Flashback Friday: Originally posted October 2nd, 2019

Non-speaking communication is valid!

13 49

Look, I get it, raising kids is incredibly difficult, and tiring, but that doesn't mean you have a monopoly on exhaustion.
You're free to vent (provided you don't blame the kids themselves) but don't act like only those who raise children can ever be tired.

12 55

Ah, to be so worried about being a nuisance that you accidentally remove yourself for other's lives.

25 98

It's so tough to relax when you constantly feel like you need to be productive AND you have a habit of forgetting things. The two blend into a terrible concoction of stress induced anxiety.

9 45

Using headphones for the first time was such a profound event for me that I have my brother to thank for. Being able to listen to my music, and only hear my music was life changing.
It may sound odd for me to make such a big deal out of it, but it truly was.

8 57

Flashback Friday: Originally posted September 18, 2019

I used to never understood cooking. It seemed to be filled with vagueness and estimates. It wasn't until I started treating cooking like baking that it finally clicked, and I learned to really enjoy it.

2 40

As I've unmasked more and more I've started verbally stimming more. My favourite verbal stims are the kind that make my throat vibrate the most, like humming!

16 59

The majority of us prefer to be called autistic, but some prefer being called a person with autism. However, just because you know someone who prefers being called a person with autism doesn’t give you a pass to call all of us that.

14 75

You can't just erase a part of someone because you don't want to see it. I'm autistic. I'm nonbinary. If you refuse to see those parts of me then you're seeing an incomplete version of me, a false version of me.

52 181

Ever since I was a teenager I've seen "weird" as a compliment. Heck, one of my favourite musicians has the word "weird" in his stage name!

15 72

Flashback Friday: Originally posted September 11th, 2019

I keep all of my sketchbooks, mostly for posterity's sake, but every time I look in one I cringe. Instead of seeing how much I've improved I just see how much I used to suck.

4 33

You're never too old to discover you're autistic. My dad was in his 60s when he found out.

The number of adults realizing that they're autistic is growing. They're finally understanding themselves, and that there was never anything wrong with them.

13 61

Couch or chair tired never transfers to bed tired for me. Why?! I want to sleep!!

13 59

One problem with working from home on my computer is that it's so easy to just fall into a rabbit hole of mindless googling.

16 79

Flashback Friday: Originally posted September 4th, 2019

Whether typing, or writing, my brain likes to skip ahead so I end up writing the letters out of order.

1 36

Insincere kindness is beyond irritating and confusing. Not all of us can tell whether you're actually being kind or just putting on an act!

27 119

When I disappoint people I always blame myself. I feel guilty, and wonder what I could've done to fix things. In reality you'll never be able to please everyone.

Re-uploaded to remove offensive terminology

11 54

Let us be open about our disabilities. We shouldn't have to hide them behind sugarcoated language.

16 49