If you guys have never read baoh before I'd recommend checking it out. It's not arakis best work since he was still finding his way as a writer but it's still very charming and written with the vibes that JoJo fan's would appreciate. It has a great artstyle too. https://t.co/TRHdPYtEJE
I love how one of the best lines from the BAOH anime, specifically the English dub is “BAOH HAS A LASER CANON!”
Baoh returns for ASBR! Decided to color him for the occasion! 😊
#AllStarsBattleR #JoJosBizarreAdventure #Baoh
Ikuro Hashizawa, le protagoniste de Baoh le visiteur, l’un des premiers mangas de Hirohiko Araki, finalement confirmé pour le jeu de combat JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure : All-Star Battle R de CyberConnect2 https://t.co/sDXYQSAnVr #JJBA #JoJosBizarreAdventure #AllStarBattleR
Ikuro Hashizawa, le protagoniste de Baoh le visiteur, l’un des premiers mangas de Hirohiko Araki, finalement confirmé pour le jeu de combat JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure : All-Star Battle R - https://t.co/zQnZRLCXY8
@jojo_games @BandaiNamcoUS Baoh vs. anyone
I really hope he's not totally cut from the remaster, he was the coolest addition to the original game
Baoh taking a break day
gonna have a bit of a chew and chill
fun doddle by me and @MasterofLasagna
what pisses me off about the #JoJosBizarreAdventure All Star Battle Remake is the fact the COOLEST character Baoh may not be in it...for some reason. I got the game to try him out and my god he is so damn cool and out of the whole cast is the only one that fits me and would Main
Mis predicciones para el All Star Battle R
Considerando que serán 50 personajes y al parecer Baoh está desconfirmado, pues:
Parte 1:
4 Personajes
everyone go read baoh the visitor and then go watch the ova. then come back to me
@GrandGuerrilla notice how many portraits are from eyes of heave also add in original game (plus dlc) 41 roster with extra chracters in eyes of heaven's 9 extra new characters and you have 50, still good chance replacements will happen
petshop and baoh
World Heroes consists a ton of references to pop culture. The most famous one being that the main villain, Neo Dio, references several of Hirohiko Araki's works.
He repeatedly shouts Dio's iconic "WRYYY" and "MUDA MUDA", all the while looking suspiciously like Baoh.
Here's for a better year!
Year of the tiger, year of Baoh!
Baoh learning the hard way, that size cant win alone, and Plagas teaching her that.