Blutch is just not having it today

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El cartel anunciador de Anouk Ricard de la exposición 'Mona Lôzane' clausurada el sábado y la aportación de Blutch (Christian Hincker)

➕#humor al /

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God i wanna see the blutch and chesterfield snowball fight

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Chesterfield: What are you laughing about now, Blutch?
Blutch: I'm imagining the look on Stark's face if he saw his 22nd cavalry charging flat on their stomachs!

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sad that arabesque probably wont be in this album but also love seeing blutch worry about her

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i mean, blutch is right to not let alexander get away with blaming the slaughter of tons of people on the opposing side just because he can. it just sucks that they couldn't do anything about it until after everyone was already dead i guess.....

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the fact that chesterfield was worried about arabesque/blutch possibly being shot... early enough in the series for him not to be instantly annoyed at the action

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they are once again in disguise and disobeying orders. (also it's funny hearing blutch say "it's the first time that counts" irt deserting the army considering how many times he runs off later)

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as i've said before, blutch would kill for a stable parental figure like kid lucky got with aunt martha

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Chesterfield: Someone stole my cash!!
Blutch: same here, but don't worry, i'll get our pay in advance real quick. You stay here and keep eating fish until i get back

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they got demoted for stark's failure of a charge, also love blutch just ripping his own patches off

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ok so actually i could see blutch doing this

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there's no fucking way blutch would tell someone to give arabesque to stark i don't believe that he'd never do that he literally- HE LITERALLY JUMPED OFF A MOVING TRAIN AND RAN INTO BATTLE TO GET HER BACK FROM STARK THERE'S NO WAY

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chesterfield waking up in the infirmary without blutch hanging over him: uhh... are you sure nobody came to visit me? absolutely nobody? like for example... a stupid corporal?

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«La voluptuosidad», Blutch.

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Alexander: What's corporal blutch doing there?
Chesterfield: He's discovered a sudden passion for singing, colonel

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Blutch has to be the luckiest deserter alive, because Chesterfield is THE WORST at trying to speak on their behalf.

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Sarge: Seven attempts in one week!... With every time ending the same way!! And yet you dare to keep trying?!
Blutch: I dare!

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"Blutch is jealous! Nyeh nyeh nyeh!"

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i for one commend blutch for not letting people get suckered into the military

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