day 8 halfass background was a mistake

5 14

[Day 9-Finds a Coffin⚰️] Mine! ボクとりどり。

18 41

[Day 8-Free🦇] Countober? Countober! 部下を可愛がる上司。#Boktai

16 29

Today's a free day for
Take a break or draw whatever you want!

Tomorrow night is a full moon 🌕
Both Boktai 1 and have special events on these nights!

14 32

[Day 7-Unconscious💫] In drama queen way. 何がなんだかw

8 19

[Day 6-Asleep💤] Emergency food. 非常用食料。

6 13

[Day 5-Stunned💬] What made her angry? 深夜にボクの友人を連れて来た結果。

11 35

[Day 4-Lost❔] Every Bok was a human! 元は人間だったボク。

9 31

[Day 2-Alert❕] Actually Bok's design is the most difficult one in the whole series. ボクの造形がシンプルそうで難解なのでネタに走る。

9 18