my take on annie leonhart’s biological parents. emillia kelter was a marleyan officer in liberio’s military and had an affair with an eldian fisherman, norwin mullenbach. emillia died of an infection after annie’s birth and norwin was eventually killed in the rumbling.

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It's my VFX work on 51: Deathfleet Engine. I took a first place with Torbach.

BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighter by lightwarrior

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Wooo! Thank you all for 800 followers! I really appreciate that!
From news:
Im continuing the shock ych bach. I was ill last week but I'm ok now!
If everything will be as I planned I will debut at June or earlier.I don't know what day yet.
New model reveal soon!
Raffle maybe?

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Mae croeso i bawb ar 1 Mai yn ar gyfer digwydd Pride Bach. Ymunwch â ni am rhaglen hwyliog, AM DDIM i'r teulu cyfan i ddathlu bod yn hapus, yn falch ac i ymfalchïo ym mhwy ydych chi. Bydd crefftau, paentio wynebau a gorymdaith fach!

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Mae dathliadau yn parhau yn Amgueddfa Genedlaethol y Glannau ar 1 Mai gyda Pride Bach. Mae croeso i bawb i'r rhaglen hwyliog hon i'r teulu cyfan i ddathlu bod yn hapus, yn falch ac i ymfalchïo ym mhwy ydych chi: 🌈 🌈 🌈

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“Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can play weird; that's easy. What's hard is to be as simple as Bach. Making the simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity.” Happy 100th Birthday, CHARLES MINGUS

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Appreciate the chance! And theme song? Uhhhhhh let's go with Little Fugue in G Minor by Bach. XP

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21 mars 1685 : Naissance du musicien et compositeur allemand Jean-Sébastien Bach. Peu connu de son vivant en dehors de l'Allemagne, il est aujourd'hui considéré comme l’un des plus grands compositeurs de tous les temps.

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Do you all know abt the mixed-race knight from Arthur's court named Feirefiz? He first appeared in the 12th c./early 13th c. poem "Parzival" by German poet/knight Wolfram von Eschenbach. Feirefiz's story is cool, as is his depiction now in modern fan art/RPG. 1/

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Acquisition de musée : le vient d'annoncer l'achat de ce paysage du Tyrol avec le château de Naudersberg (107 × 154,5 cm) de Ernst Ferdinand Oehme vendu 125 000 € en décembre chez Achat permis grâce au Stiftelsen Gustaf VI Adolfs fond.

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1. Photogravure after painting by Hubert von Herkomer 1896
2. "Richard Wagner" Wood engraving dated 1891
3. After the famous painting by Franz von Lenbach. Published in the biography "Richard Wagner" by Houston Stewart Chamberlain,1896
4. Fotogravure after Ernst Kietz. Paris 1840

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If I had to pick my favourite Slovenian, epic high-theatre Industrial band I would probably go for Laibach.

Pre-order Laibach - Wir Sind Das Volk on limited vinyl, on the legendary label:

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Miguel, the brawn of the group.
(The hairstyle keep reminding me of Johann Sebastian Bach...)

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Black Christmas (1974)
Art by Marc Schoenbach.

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Here you are on a body pillow Crubach. Nice outfit!

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Electric eel tank concept art for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 by concept artist Jonathan Bach.

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Your Joke of the day: why did Mozart hate chickens? All they said was Bach Bach Bach. There’s more eggs-iting Chicken humor in book one, Hide and Go Beak. In stores January 4.

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Today's introduction will be our collab guest, Margit Eberbach. Eberbach is a well-known scenic tourist destination between Mannheim and Prague, celebrating the annual Eberbacher Kuckucksmarkt festival every August.

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Comics friends: looking for something to read? Check out VON BACH. It's a satire on Hollywood, and a riff on Frankenstein, and it's fantastic. I was lucky enough to read it at the early stages:

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📅 STILL ON TIME: is still on schedule for the rollout of its LMDh car by the end of the year according to its new head of motorsport Thomas Laudenbach.


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