Baldr Sky making me join the pink hair agenda. Chinatsu so good...

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Wanna give Chinatsu a hug so bad man why isn't she real 😔

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Me before and after listening to Avenged Sevenfold

0 18

This is just like Fate Stay Night Heaven's Feel

1 4

Nanoha when she spends 20 minutes without crying

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Starting to see the light. I like Nanoha she's pretty cute

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This is what the average science man looks like in the future. The ideal man

2 14

Man this Rain normal ending is messing me the fuck up 😟

0 14

This is the smartest visual novel of ALL TIME

1 27

Keep liking my tweets and we gonna end up like this

1 23

Man I hope Rain's route is the only route that Gilbert is even slightly important because my GOD this guy is so fucking lame

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Present day Masa is so handsome damn. where is his route

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