Fubulla vs Subangelion

Its unfinished tho :D

0 0

again, drawing this in the middle of commission work .__.

Neon Genesis Shubangelion 🦆

123 472

oh yeah, that'd be me (and I don't even play BAngels)

1 5

Every day fighting vandals. I had so much fun watching Subaru.

Subangelion vs Mikongel and Pekongel

12 30

Mass Production Shubangelion (シュバンゲリオン量産機)

I'm so ducked up.

3 16

Doodle in the middle of doing commission work ._.
Pekodam - Mikochar - Shubangelion - Hachamazinger 🤣

28 103

BEHOLD! オオゾラ建設
Weapon to Surpass All Holodams!

build of sheer determination and protein milkshakes by a certain avian..



11 42



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Neon Genesis Rebangelion

11 27

The Big Bad reveal of Season 8, issue 34, turned out to be (2010). Action Comics 568 was the cover homage. Also, for fans, this was the notorious "Sex" issue!

3 10