Today is the start of This year's theme is “censorship is a dead end. Find your freedom to read!” Celebrate freedom of information, knowledge and expression - explore and borrow these titles from Brent Libraries:

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Before ends, watch episode 3 of in which The Bluest Eye, a Clockwork Orange, and Lolita are among books banned from their school. The students fight back! Original Sabrina fanart is also featured on our current blog post.

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5. Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
6. Tropic of Cancer, Henry Miller
7. Of Mice and Men
8. Catcher in the Rye, J. D. Salinger
9. Lord of the Flies, William Golding
10. Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov


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On purity policing by fans: "#BannedBooksWeek is a week in which fans and writers stand in solidarity with each other to oppose the censorship of the written word. Criticism of fiction, even robust criticism, should be welcomed—but abuse should never be."

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It's and the American Library Association has gathered up the most challenged books of the past year.

Check out this year's results and let us know what you think!

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"Yes, they even banned The Canterbury Tales." 3/3/2017
Some Chaucer in the collections here (fully digitized) Takamiya MS 32 Takamiya MS 24

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Maurice Sendak’s children’s book In the Night Kitchen became a frequent target for censorship because the boy Mickey is depicted naked in his dream.

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We're celebrating the to read without fear of censorship. Our display is up. Come and find out why Roald Dahl's The Witches and many more were almost banned in schools and libraries.

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What the Huck?! It’s Check out Manga Classics unabridged edition of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn!

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BONE by : A Thread

Despite the BONE collection bearing the logo across their covers, the fun and charming story has been challenged several times at various education levels, and subsequently banned as a result a handful of those times.

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Who challenges books? 42% of the book challenges documented in 2016 were initiated by parents.

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The freedom to read under attack year-round! Celebrate & the right to read!

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What are YOU reading this week to celebrate?! . Artwork by

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Kicking off with this little ditty from Michelle Hazelwood!

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