Wine time with Prosecutor Barok van Zieks.🍷
Dai Gyakuten Saiban DaiGyakutenSaiban DGS The Great Ace Attorney TGAA BarokvanZieks

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🍷 Barok Van Zieks 🍷

I need to practice, I am not satisfied with the result bruh.

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I haven't used Clip Studio Paint for a long time...
I'm rediscovering the watercolour brushes 🤌🤌🤌

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pray forgive the discourtesy *smashes hallowed chalice made of glass and splatters blood and wine everywhere during court proceedings*

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Some years after the previous piece, here's Barok van Zieks from the amazing TGAA games.
I had fun with this one, trying something different with the shading and whatnot.

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I'm usually not into vampire AUs but I've been thinking about genshin dealing with the vamp van zieks for a weak and I can't get it out of my head

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2/2 fanarts of dgs
The cat prosecutors Miaow Zieks and The Masked Appurrentice.
Had an epiphany last night about how these two have some interesting parallels and contrasts with 3H Felix & Dimitri.

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[ dgs / tgaa ]

this has probably been done before..
i'm convinced this is how they started out

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Who is the most flexible prosecutor?
Somehow they all passed the barre exam🩰

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"Accident" - aka Leg Prosecutor Man realizes he hired an actual baby.


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