What’s with all the B2 love lately? I mean, it’s super cool, don’t get me wrong.

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Yeah, I'm way way behind. We had flooding where I'm at. Then I got sick, and now I'm buried under home work, but the pixeling must go on. LOL.

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A B! battle Droid from Star Wars, as requested by the poll. Thanks for voting!

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昨日もドットを打ったので見てくださいな\( ´ω` )/ ラジャーより強いやつ!

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今日もドット打ちました\( ´ω` )/ 某ゲームへのラジャー実装記念!枠ありと枠なし、どちらが良いかなあ

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I drew these 2 years ago now of m OC Lutz as an android, but i still kinda like them. Might redraw them sometime. Original Battledroid and Corrupted version <3

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Render Test for my Zombie Battledroid.

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I a from with on 5.5" x 8.5" 98lb Canson paper. I like the

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