Et ouai, Bernadotte et Seras les GoAT !

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Pip Bernadotte

Más información sobre este personaje ↓

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Mrs. Bernadotte’s gone savage, Frau Blitz.

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My art from last year, when I only started lineart. Bernadotte was one of my favourite characters

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Pip/Seras, because they deserved better than what they got :U

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Napoleon II, Ney, Lannes, and ofc Bernadotte+Brahe 😳😳😳

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Would you like to kill nazis with me, forever?

I had a massive nostalgia time and rewatched Hellsing Ultimate after so many years and I still love this duo so much, also it's one of my fave comics💖

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Yesterday did Pip Bernadotte as practice, someone commented it looked like a Witch Hunter. So i had to do it.

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Art © Me

Pip Bernadotte © Hirano

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"Please don't cry, ma chérie.."

Art © Me
Seras Victoria and Pip Bernadotte © Kouta Hirano

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