Dr. Today, we come to a new style. It's a new style of dress. It's beautiful, sexy, and cute. And this style will be a hot style. Everyone thinks our dresses are beautiful or not?✨

8 21

We are vampires who like to eat blood. Oh, my blood hurts. I'm sorry.


10 37

Hi, beautiful person.. You're handsome. Thank you. I'm handsome. Can I have your hand.

6 28

You're so cute. Thank you. You're handsome. Thank you for watching. Beautiful.

3 14

Hey, what are you playing? I'm giving uh, thank you. It's fun. Yes, I like it a lot. .


10 63

Hey...she hugged me, yes, she's handsome, she's a man, she looks handsome too. Thank you for being handsome.


9 45

Here she is a handsome man, yes I am handsome, you are beautiful too, give a man look, thank you.


10 29

Hey, is it delicious? It's delicious. I'm going first. Oh, what are you doing here? Let's take a walk.Oh


9 60

Na...hehe, I'm making cookies in me. Taste it a bit..it's delicious. I have a pretty face, don't you?

11 47

Here you hold me, are you heavy or not ☺️ Are you married? Yes, I'm married.


6 29

You, your girlfriend, go out with your friends. Do you think I'm wearing this dress looks cool or cool? What are they talking about?


9 71

Hey, you, this dress, am I beautiful or not.. What are you going to do, beautiful woman? Say, I'm not that beautiful. Our school uniforms are beautiful. Yes, it's mine too. Beautiful.


7 22

I can't read. I'm zen first. I go to sleep before I go to bed. I'll call you later.


14 100

Here you are, am I beautiful?I'm going to play the game first, I wonder if he's going to play the game.Nice Well, she's finished playing the game.


9 38

Each couple is openly dating. You, I'm beautiful, right?


9 28

Are you and me wearing this pretty dress? I'm eating better than you eat or not...no, look at my tongue, it's cool...cool.

13 36

Hey you, I brought you flowers, um, thank you. What's wrong with your face? Why do you look so sad? Oh, why are you hugging my neck? Why do you want to hug?

6 20