I made a drawing for Bible and Grey they are so cute ☺️. Hope he likes it (I think that he is not going to watch it)

54 106

Biu- You are the one who makes me smile☀️
Bible- you are my comfort zone and summer journey☀️

Ps. Cred. ❤️😭 I love this so much and I added this small writing. It reminded of manhwas 😭🤌❤️.

25 129

I drew this fanart for yesterday hashtag trending, but when I was drawing it, my ipad crashed, so I couldn't post it. ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ

10 43

P1:work alone
P2:work with Biu
P3:First morning in Phuket

553 1375

A more aggressive "LOOKING FOR SOMETHING?"
I need a full episode for the thing happened after Vegas showed Pete all the way to his bedroom!!! 🛌

320 1634

pete:ble look the ball is dancing with me
bible:Why are you always so careless?

73 231

Quick draw ~ something happend in my head when I saw La Roche Posay poster 🤣
If Bible and Build wear that shirts on live stream I will cry in happiness

81 214

We love you so much, especially is your smile. You deserve to have everything. 🥰🥰

Quick draw again

163 422