Day 11

This is Chisméne! (or Chis). She's so lovely and kind. Calm, polite and cheerful. She's affectionate, loving and quite emotional. First impression is serenity, but she's still pretty fiery and passionate inside.

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Day 10

Here is Rea! She is really confident and sassy. She is mischievous, sometimes even mean and careless. Rea loves sarcasm, and she has a devious sense of humour. She is often kinda reckless. She enjoys trolling people. :D

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Day 9

Here is Tamashi! (or Tama) He's serious and quiet. He is kinda perfectionist. Very conscientious and self-demanding. He gets annoyed so easily. Tama also damps his feelings a lot. He is tsundere, but desires a lot of affection.. :3c

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Day 8

Here is Miyuki. She's shy, calm and modest. She's used to being on the sidelines and following everyone else. However, she's not helpless or sensitive crybaby. Miyu is hard-working and really persistent. She is also very kind. Precious bby.🌸

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Day 7

This is Mizu! She's a bit insecure and prejudiced. She harly never trust anybody. She doesn't show her emotions easily. Mizu is also very sarcastic person. With very good friends, she is more open, humorous and easy-going.

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Day 6

Here is Lupe! (or Lube :D) What a troll! He's so rude, cheeky, manipulative and immoral scumbag. If you see this bastard, run fast I guess. But if you're in his favor, he knows how to be quite charming, smooth and polite.

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Day 4

Scorpio! or Korppu (It means ...breadcrumbs?? in finnish.. or rusk, cracker etc.)

He is man slut. Seriously. Sex symbol. Kinky as fuck. Yeah. Korppu ''loves'' everybody. He's also easygoing, carsimatic, assertive and kinda mischievous person.

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Day 3

This is Kyadai! You can also call him Kya. ✨ He's a serious and harsh person, but he's also really kind. He's quite introverted tho~

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Day 2

This is Faith! She's quite a tomboy.🔥

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Day 1

Here is Elis! He's a very arrogant and sassy charmer. I could say.. “smug as fuck.”😏✨

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