画質 高画質

First skin I made bittergiggle and it looks good im proud of myself

7 95

*A fabrication about the past
They have a sense of ex...I hope they were bitterly and entangled when they broke up but kept pestering each other👀

29 186

ok fine bittersnake is here🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍 https://t.co/IM5HaljW2C

49 311

So beautiful and bittersweet😭

0 10

シグルドとthe fecal phantom(#bitterincense)さんのOC、Miriさんを描かせて頂きました!リクエスト有難うございます✨

3 17

he eats and drinks bitter things wtf is wrong with himmmm

5 121


※ no_be_no_bitterさんのご支援お礼絵に描きましたっ😊

49 357

先日はTRPG N◎VA『BETTER / bitter THAN LIFE』を遊ばせていただきました!

6 17

bitter chocolate love🍫

160 857

じもとっこスイーツ♪ (with 日向美ビタースイーツ♪) from HINATABI BITTER SWEETS♪ BEST by ホララ・ホリック with 日向美ビタースイーツ♪

0 1

oshi no ko ending is very bittersweet to me. i truly loved this series, so it’s painful to see it officially over. i won’t deny that the final arc felt a bit rushed but i’m still happy to have experienced it. is one of my favorite manga artist and illustrators now 🩷

0 4

"This self-denial of yours is none of my business, but I do find virtue in your... commitment. We all have to make decisions, so stick with yours to the bitter end."

5 26


*A very bitter drink.🥃

423 4169

WEB再録「BitterBlack](1/4) (1/4)

11 41

the new nikke side story is freaking good

i love it when they drop everything and just go dark on the story (at the expense of me feeling sad reading it)

so bittersweet, and unexpectedly good fanservice at the end

0 28


37 370