umberto boccioni, twilight

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umberto boccioni, moorland, 1908

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Umberto Boccioni, La città che sale, olio su tela, 1910-11, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA.

Per scoprire meglio e le sue opere, attualmente in esposizione a Milano, v'invito 👇😉

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Umberto Boccioni, The City Rises (1910)

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Umberto Boccioni, born in 1882, was an & sculptor that helped to shape the defining aesthetic of the art movement.

📷 Credit: , "Carica di lancieri" by 1915.

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Umberto Boccioni, an Italian was born in 1882. Boccioni was one of the most influential members of an Italian school of painters known as Futurists. Learn more about Boccioni in his profile:

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Umberto Boccioni, an Italian painter & sculptor who reflected on technological themes as a member of the Futurist movement, is 's

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Il 19 ottobre del 1882 nasceva, a Reggio Calabria, il grande artista Umberto Boccioni, esponente del

("Elasticity", 1912)

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Era lei il sole mite
le girava tutto intorno, noi
ci spargevamo,
il bel quartiere il mondo,
ma era lei
in fondo alle stanze
cuore d’oro e catena
Ora artigliaci Dio
tienici nel tuo
alzheimer d’amore,
perdiamola tutti
la memoria del male

🎨U.Boccioni, 1909

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Umberto Boccioni, States of Mind I: The Farewells, 1911.

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La risata, Umberto Boccioni, 1911

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"Rovesciamo tutto, dunque, e proclamiamo l'assoluta e completa abolizione della linea finita e della statua chiusa."
Nasceva il 19 ottobre 1882 tra i principali esponenti e teorici della prima avanguardia artistica italiana di inizio ‘900: il Futurismo.

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Boccioni, La città che sale and sketch (1910)

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Umberto Boccioni, 1912

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The wife and daughter of Giacomo Balla by Umberto Boccioni, 1906.

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The Laugh
Umberto Boccioni, 1911

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