BOKUTSUKI EKXJDKJD right now idk who kurotsuki is, my otp is bokutsuki ALONE 💆‍♀️ anyways bokutsuki canon

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Hace unos meses hice este dibujo BokuTsuki, si noto un poquito de mejora en mi forma de dibujar
Bokuto Kotaro 木 兎 光 太郎
Tsukishima Kei 月島蛍

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Happy birthday moonshine, strawberry boy, tol french fry, salty lamp post. I love you to the moon and back
Have these doodles of Tsukki geting happy b-day kisses and giving one as well bc the boy deserves it.

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I made some BokuTsuki.
(Bokuto no! Thats not something you just do! 😅)

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A little bokutsuki for the night

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