Bruisel - Fighting
Pulverine - Fighting

Dont let this small mon size fool you it packs quite the punch. It defends weaker pokemon regardless of its own safty. As it evolves its outward appearance may be rougher, but its still has a kind heart.

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Applentice - Grass
Grapple - Grass/Fighting

Its large head causes it to fall over unless held up. The constant need to do so turns into a work out as it evolves using that strength in battle.

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Speaking of the region Pikachu

Nisesho - Electric/Ice

This rare mon is saught after by many trainers. It can travel at high speeds across the tundra and on some nights you can see lighting dancing across the ice as they run.

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Myte - Bug/Electric
Megapod - Bug/Electric
Gigamoth - Bug/Electric

This bug type loves to nest behind computer towers to eat electricity and grow. Once fully it can usually be found as the source of large power outages.

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Soilmanders evolutions:
Seedkick - Grass
Herowth - Grass/Fighting

Having it as your partner will guarantee a mon that will fight with pride and defend you till the bitter end then their is no other choice.

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Choose your Starter Pokemon.

Soilmander - Grass
Blacaf - Fire
Golloon - Water

The Borea Region is a cold rough place based on Alaska (and surrounding areas). Which one of these little mons will be your partner?

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