# kubera

Lol currygom just confirmed that she's indeed Brilith😁

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This is really taking me back to the moment where Brilith straight up tried to kill Maruna even though Kaz was right freaking there, I doubt she recognized him tho but it would be crazy if she did

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Oh no, Brilith might've thought that it was Maruna

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I'm pretty sure she's Brilith so she's not gonna die like this but I personally would like to see the gods who pushed her dead

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Holy crap, wait a fucking minute… based on how I remember Brilith looked like in her first life with Agni, I'm pretty sure this girl is Brilith but… omfg, the girl who was in love with Maruna was Brilith all this time??!!!!!!

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Ohh so that's where Agni was in the beginning of the universe. Based on his sick ponytail here, I assume that I'm gonna see how he met with Brilith because I remember him having that ponytail when Brilith remembered her first life with him

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I was wondering where I heard this before and found that this is basically what Brilith said to Agni in the special ch when Agni asked her if she believes in the gods. Now, I'm wondering if this woman may be a past life of Brilith's

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Wait, the heart of the king?! Ran has Yaksha's heart?! Now that I think about it, this may explain why Brilith thought he was a Sura back then. Also I assume that she means Visnu by "the time of this world" but it's interesting that she didn't just say Visnu instead🤔#kubera

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Wait, is Indra that cocky mf who suggested they curse Brilith's soul

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I'm happy to see Surya and Vayu since they're one of the only gods who blessed Brilith's soul while the others were cursing it. Also, shut up Varuna, I'm so glad that Vasuki is okay

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Now I understand why he was like that when he attacked Brilith

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Omg, so he didn't know that 56 was Brilith?? That makes their whole journey even better

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Brilith, come on, you can't keep being fantastic in all of your lives

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Brilith made a good point here

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I'm in awe of how talented currygom is at creating these tender moments so naturally. Why is Agni and Brilith's relationship is superbly written in every one of Brilith's lifetimes

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Wait, initially the captain's armour made me think of Teo but no I think this is one of Brilith's past lives! "Land of those without names" huh, I'm super intrigued😁

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Brilith, you know damn well that his standard is farthest from being wrong

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Ohh, Sagara and Brilith's dynamic just got even more interesting

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Damn ngl, I love how Brilith thinks

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I completely understand why Brilith is reacting this way

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