
3 2

Let's all remember today for don't be a 😂

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You're all picking up the excellent STEP BY BLOODY STEP this yes?

By , and


8 51

Totally unintentional that digital copies of released to backers on but it’s kinda cool that it worked out that way.

Thanks to and for bringing their talent to the pages and making this book look better than it has any right to.

3 7

Stray Dogs makes it's haunting return!
The Dog Days are almost here. Out this Dog Days digs into everything you may have missed with a collection of short stories that are sure to thrill!

4 12

Today is the release of Stud and the BloodBlade *everybody* is gonna be there! Xylophin! Sockeye! Brawl n' Chain! Marine Corpse! Drilldown! And...you? Pick up your copy this either at your LCS or from at https://t.co/GIEIegDaqv

4 27

Shoutout to STUD's variants! Kevin Sharpe, , and did some tremendous interpretations of our ginger giant! Issues and of Stud and the BloodBlade are at your LCS this and will join them next week! Get STUD at https://t.co/xB3uTGl3Bf

4 6

The end is nigh! Stud and the BloodBlade's finale hits shops on 11/17! Gird your loins for an epic conclusion that is full of piss and vinegar and a drizzle of olive oil! This ask your shop to order you a copy, or order direct at https://t.co/arLchZhg4B

2 7

The grudge match between E-Gal and Can-O-Peaches reaches its apotheosis in issue (the finale) of Stud and the BloodBlade! Who wins? When you're at the shop this ask them to add STUD to your pull list and find out 11/17! Or: https://t.co/arLchZhg4B

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【 Zion Gate in Garden Bar 】

Wear, CBD, Coffee, CD, etc..

3 1

Don't back down from ... be like Sassy Q. and smash all that doesn't serve you! Roll with Sassy in Stud and the BloodBlade releasing this 10/20. At your LCS or direct from : https://t.co/xB3uTGl3Bf

1 6

Lava-Voom searched high and low and finally found those copies of Stud and the BloodBlade you ordered! You can them up from your LCS next 10/20. And check out for exclusive variants: https://t.co/xB3uTGl3Bf

3 13

STUD unchained! Big fat Stud and the BloodBlade has cleared port and will be out next 10/20 (I love a date that teaches multiples!) At your LCS or from at https://t.co/xB3uTGl3Bf; issue https://t.co/L27MdEUKEu by and me

2 7

This Lava-Voom reminds you that each issue of Stud and the BloodBlade is 44 pages but only $1 more than a normal comic! STUD is sold out at Diamond; if your LCS doesn't it, hit up https://t.co/L27MdFclw2. STUD releases soon https://t.co/xB3uTG3scF!

2 13

Thanks to everyone who made Stud and the BloodBlade's pub day so immensely wonderful! If you didn't get your copy of STUD on and I will be at in Culver City 12-3pm on Saturday to hook you up! Details: https://t.co/nuLDpmThrI

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The Souls we contain are legion!
Two cannot stand against billions!
We are not one--we are Multitude!

Out on read the Avengers Annual 2021 preview here:

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Taking pride of place on our shelves this a book we know will be getting so many into comics for years and years


By , and


3 17

"You know what my favorite kind of mutie is--?"
- Yeah, I've heard that one before.

Out read the Marauders preview here:

1 13

It’s so here’s a DARK INHERITANCE!!!
It’s with laser swords! it here. Follow for more!
Buy it now: https://t.co/lu3xQscJ7N

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