Chanyeol: kyaaaa kyaaa kiyowooo 😆😆😆❤❤❤

Kyungsoo: che! 😑

266 360

Kyungsoo: so, where is the b*tch?

Chanyeol: th-there, Kyungsoo...

566 893

thoughts about the baby community?
chanyeol: I respect it cause I founded it


217 132

Chanyeol: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

104 252

chanyeol: king of side profile 💗💖💘💕💖💗💕💖💘💗💖💕💘💗💖💕💘💗💖💘💕💖💗💘💕💖💗💘

103 187

-a puppy in all but name
-cute ears
-big eyes
-very squooshable, would scritch

1 8

Exo-L: aww, Baekhuyn is holding a kitty!
Chanyeol: ...
Minseok: ...?

570 529

[FANART] Baekhyun: “My birthday is coming up!” Chanyeol: “///ㅅ///”

5 0

[FANART] Kris: Chanyeol. Be my girl(boy)friend.
Chanyeol: ?? What … girl??;; (cr.hemm)

9 4