Don't be an idiot this weekend... a spike in Level 3 Lockdown breaches could well jeopardise all the hard work put into containing the virus. Cartoon in fabulous print in today's Weekend Herald and premium online here..

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Would you like C-19 with that? - the queues at some fast food outlets in the first days of L3 doesn't go according to plan. Cartoon in today's NZH and premium online here...

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Almost didn’t do one of my studies today - was definitely one of the most stressful of this - day 35

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Day 34 of and happy to be back at my workplace/studio now we’re on level 3.

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It will never compare to the sacrifices made by those who lost their lives fighting in wars they didn't start, but don't underestimate what we've done by mostly, doing nothing.
My cartoon for today's newspapers.

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We're getting closer. Don't screw it up.

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Day 27 of and only a week to go until we go from level 4 - level 3. Things I’m looking forward to - going to my place of work (studio space) where I can work a little bigger on paintings again.

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Day 25 of and I’m super happy with today’s study. Slept in today after a great deep sleep recovering from yesterday’s run.

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Short term pay cuts of 15 - 20% looming for industry and Govt. Cartoon in fabulous print in today's NZ Herald and premium online here...

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A little Easter egg for today which is day 18.

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Level 4 Lockdown over Easter.. today's cartoon in premium online only

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What do you think Cautiously Optimistic means? - today's cartoon in fabulous print and premium online here...

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War of the Revenue Worlds : Auf Wiedersehen NZ! - The Bauer Media shock decision. Today's cartoon in fabulous print and premium online here -

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Ok, ok, ok - I know we aren't meant to glorify people who are just doing their jobs, but Dr. Ashley Bloomfield deserves a massive amount of credit for how he steps up to the mic so calmly almost on a daily basis

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Finally reversed - ScoMo agrees to include hard working ex-pat NZers in the C-19 relief package after Ardern call. Cartoon in fabulous print and premium online here

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We have to be honest about a 6 week lockdown  | The Daily Blog

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STAY HOME and SAVE LIVES - cartoon based on what I saw at our local service station. In fabulous print in today's NZH and premium online here...

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