repost! crwby plz give us ponytail Yang in v9 i beg u!!

126 456

Please god I just want to remember what it was Iike to enjoy this show before all the fucking bullying from fandom and crwby alike

0 1

So apparently an original character made for the Ice Queendom anime, named Shion Zaiden, was confirmed non-binary on the surprise Talk CRWBY to Me they just held. So that’s cool news to lighten this day a bit.

25 78

ヤン・シャオロンとバンブルビー ペンで太線とエッジ出し、全体的に仕上げする前に…以下略

18 68

Two cute anime characters from RWBY
Ruby🌹and Jaune 🗡
And if they ever have a daughter this is what I think she would look like!!🥰
Please follow and like!

5 12

I love you CRWBY
So please don’t prolong the agony

5 14

E a música que eu escolhi pra começar é: Fear.
Essa música é o tema de encerramento do volume 7, e também uma música tema do Oscar, segundo a própria CRWBY. Particularmente, é uma das minhas favoritas de toda a OST, tanto em questão de instrumental quanto em significado. /jula

1 3

え〜っと。これ元はワイスん家のシュニー家の家紋でしょ。並行世界か何か?なんかモンティさんの言っていたRWBY VOL10以降の好きにしていいと言う話とは関係無さそうな感じがしてきました。

1 7


6 28

Pls crwby... let them hug soon...

108 483

Bro please I need a RWBY fighting game developed by Arc System Works bro please bro they’ve said they’re interested in making one please they’re even working on arrowfell and are on good terms with the crwby

0 3


5 20

I don't usually say when someone from CRWBY likes something but Eddy I SWEAR we got it this time

1 25

Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 I’m thankful for all the amazing work CRWBY does and for all the kind, fun and positive people in the FNDM! 🤎

76 334

 Ruby birthday

3 19