Ar gyfer heddiw, mae gennym ond un cwestiwn...

Ydych chi’n ddigon da i ymuno â’r Lleng o Gartref?

Heddiw byddem yn rhannu gweithgareddau i’ch paratoi i fod yn Llengfilwr o Bell!

2 2

Hi guys, how are you ?!

I want to share a facebook commission I made for Mark Tyler McWest 🙂

I liked how the expressions were 😃

Greetings to all of you guys! WASH YOUR HANDS!

69 793

Gall delwedd ‘Indiana Jones’ o balaeontoleg hefyd fod yn rhwystr i bobl LGBTQ+. Mae un o aelodau’r fforwm ieuenctid yn ddyn trans ifanc, ac mae nifer o bobl wedi cwestiynu ei angerdd am ddeinosoriaid. Mae e’n dweud hefyd ein bod ni’n gwybod fawr ddim am ryw deinosoriaid.

0 5

Thank you, ccwest01 ( for the Here's your dragon OC in military wear. Hope you like it.

I'm now doing badge design Have something to strut around your neck at conventions. You can see my info here

2 6


4 16

'Father Madeleine' - - started this back in January, got distracted and kinda forgot to finish it until now xD

2 5

Cwestiwn: Nid yw’n ymddangos bod gan y Llyfrgell gopi o’r llyfr rwyf ei angen. Beth allaf ei wneud?

The library does not appear to hold a copy of the book I require. What can I do?

Yr ateb yma /Answer here:

0 2

the start of a new scene featuring the relative for 's upcoming book pt 2!

20 92


49 130

Dyma ddatgelu clawr Mellten a'r cwestiwn mawr yw: Pwy 'di'r gorau? Gari Pêl...neu Bronaldo? Allan 1af o Fedi!

7 5

Cleaned up the sketch and changed some proportionst! Realized it looks like something out of a

0 4

Grab a snack & cancel your plans, there are 50 new games waiting for you:

10 29

come chill in the now final version of ƚƨɘw oƚ - ⌛⌛⌛

21 62

I won't have time to do but I could try to make time to model a character.

31 177

bighorn! they were p fun to make

36 184