Hi, I'm elvi and I draw fanarts of svt since jan 2021. I'm new in this and inspired to improved in making fanarts. I'm glad to be part of this tag🥰

1 3

I’m Starr and I clearly have very specific muses lol

2 5

hello, im luna !! and i love drawing seoksoo with inconsistent artstyle

5 22

helloo i'm janey, i've been a carat since 2016 and i mainly draw minwon. thanks to this community and seventeen, i'm always inspired to create and improve my art. it's an honor to be a part of this tag❤️

225 721

Hi i'm cami, a wonwoorideul who loves to draw hoshi and posts twice a year!🐯

4 12

henlos ! i'm lyds & looking for more carat fa friends :3c i've been a carat since debut but have been drawing svt again recently! (*´∇`*)

9 33

idk if i’m qualified or be here but hey i do art sometimes

5 16

heyyyy friends!! its leah youre local deranged friendly horangdan slash fanartist sometimes i do and say shit but most of the time i do art :D

55 176

Hello! I'm sha, a carat fanartist who is in college hell and a verkwan enthusiast🥺👯‍♂️

114 286

back for another i’m alex: the halloween baseball guy

51 157

hi im makku or eli and im a new ;v; i haven't been able to do much yet but i have a lot of ideas once i finish up some commissions

4 7

hello I'm pame and I mostly suck but sometimes i don't

67 175

hello!! im kai and im just a little bit obsessed with drawing minghao

30 95

I have been feeling a bit down lately but I still want to join this one •u•

25 84

hi guys im ren ur local purveyor of shitposts, fluff, and fancy clothes !!!

1 2

Hi!! Im gab! I like bad jokes and sweet colors OuO a jeonghan luvr but i move like a couprang. Youd never know

44 130

hello I’m nimo !! ur local engineering student and scoups dino hoshi woozi enthusiast 🥰

14 46

hi im mila and i like using the color blue :D

14 30