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~smoll~ North American Caudalumen Amongid

It lives in forests of Cascadia. To defend itself this creature has developed a tail resembling another Amongid. As with some lizards, It can fell off, however it is able to grow back much faster, even within a few days

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Yep, I finised the not so Cascadian CIF poster first lmao

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KOGANI!! Thank you so much for drawing this, I love it so much ;-;

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How long after an earthquake will the tsunami strike the Cascadia shorelines? Below is a map showing that, relevant after yesterday's NYT article. 10 mins in some places, 50 mins in others. But the devil's in the detail! A thread...

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【2021年 買ってよかったボードゲーム6選】
•ワニに乗る アドベンチャー
•Whirling Witchcraft
•Hues and Cues
•Age Of Steam (順不同)


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Cascadia Laser Pistol - from Clement Sector

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To get there, I looked at some redesigns of the Washington State flag, the flag of British Columbia, the "Doug" (the proposed flag of the Cascadia region) and the city flag of Chicago. I think I ended in a good place.

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This time in the Muppexpectables, we travel through storms and clouds to find some friends of quite the stature:
Stormbeard, Cinlas Cascadia (hope the baby is doing well) and good ol' grandpa Raunfalt

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In this week's New Releases build the wilderness in Cascadia, keep the fires burning in Glass Road, explore the sands of Arrakis in Dune: House Secrets, brew bubbling potions in Whirling Witchcraft and more! https://t.co/aneMzX5N9Z

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vendo o que escreveram da Amália e Cascadia no ordem wiki

historians say they were very close friends

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New comic! SPIEL is getting closer, time to prepare! Are you attending any board game conventions this year?

In this week's blog post we talk about two new games we've played, Cascadia and Kim-Joy's Magic Bakery! https://t.co/a4SSm6rY3F

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Kofi Requests for my friends Dusky, and :)

Nox belongs to @/owl__bones / Bonely Hearts Club
Lucidia, Corvallis, Verdana, and Cascadia belong to me

Want your own request? Donate to my kofi!

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Ye I know it shark week but I'm just lazy to post my sharks (and one new one I haven't finish the ref yet)
Anyway I present ya Capt Cascadia! Meanest old Shark of alll sharks.
First and last art are done by my friend

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Just realized this photo I took yesterday of (I think) Middle Sister is almost the Cascadia flag. 🌲🌲🌋🌋☁️☁️

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