Cetitan / ハルクジラ
One of my fave pkmn from Scarlet & Violet

Tried to have little multi-coloring but for me it is still complicated

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Best new Pokémon hands down. Honorable mentions are Cetitan and Slither Wing

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Yusuke Kozaki () ha anunciado que él se ocupó del diseño de Cetoddle, Cetitan, Varoom y Revavroom para Pokémon Escarlata y Púrpura

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This made me go on a wild chase for new dreamworld/pokecenter art.I still haven’t found this specific pawmi,but I’d never seen this Cyclizar,Cetitan or Greavard.The Fidough art even makes it almost look cute😳I can’t wait till we have all gen9 mons like this https://t.co/epalmE6BGc

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cetitan ko-fi commission for !! just in time for christmas ❄️

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Cetitan, Kingambit, and Miraidon (Drive Mode)

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✨❄️Shiny Cetitan, her name's Destiny❄️✨


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QRT with Fave Pokémon from each Gen:

1/ Articuno
9/Cetitan https://t.co/PPbbsTdehs

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i like this scarlet/violet art because this absolute fucking buffoon went to one of the last gyms in the game with his base form starter and that Cetitan has Liquidation

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I have been playing way too much so inspired by a friend i decided to draw my team as

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Dia 6 do e para o tipo gelo fiz o Cetitan que é um daqueles pokemon que assim que vi no trailer sabia que eu iria usar no time hahaha

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Athena the Shiny Cetitan - gijinka ✨
big & strong momma whale ❄️

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Just a bou washin his Cetitan! 🧼🧽
Finished Pokémon comm for !

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