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4 90


11 131

STR chad Shiorin

667 3481

Looks like these three were captured by bandits and now are being used as hostages to get some money, I wonder if they will be able to escape before something bad happens... this is a commision
Chad, Lugh and Raigh from Fire Emblem

3 24

Drew Xavier as a chad face during an aggie lol

229 1253

7th of April has just started here so I'm not gonna be late this one time!!!!

Happy Birthday Chad, you bring me so much joy every day ;u;

27 61

Asterii coulda had such a chad moment. Also cursed knowledge on the right.

0 0

it's the chad himself......... noise...........

1 13

Too much blood for today, here is a sweet couple for this popular Au JKABJDF

23 99

Im absolute ass at making overlays. Appreciate you giving to the community, chad behavior.

0 1

The jump in my art quality between the last time I drew yang (2021) and now is REALLY Funny to me

like Damn a bitch be improving

(also yes yang is dressed as chad from HSM2, dont worry about it)

0 2

Really fucked up that chad has gone from an over the top display of masculinity presented as a joke that no one could ever achieve or act like yet we all aspire to be because he's free and confident to generic guy that's sorta attractive but also is a middle manager looking ass

0 2

Eu sempre perco pensando como existe um BL game sobre um cara que aceita um óculos de um estranho na rua e o óculos é AMALDIÇOADO e transforma ele num CHAD SALARYMAN SUPER COMPETENTE em troca de fazer ele também virar um SÁDICO ATIVO DO MAL

1 8

official chad/virgin commemorative stamp......

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Nice argument. Unfortunately, I've drawn myself as chad and you as the soyjack.

1 18