JULIAN: *smirks at K* Get the source, get the power, do away with the threats.
KILLIAN: Good luck with that. No matter what you try you won't get past the relics.
JULIAN: All I need is patience and persistent sons.
KILLIAN: And all *I* need is a firm fist

1 1

KILLIAN: Portal magic. Just open one up and there you go.
JULIAN: *arches an eyebrow* Can't say I disagree.
KILLIAN: That's a first.
JULIAN: Indeed... Usually just your tone of voice is enough to cause me to disagree.
KILLIAN: Feeling is very mutual.

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*both men stare daggers at each other*
JULIAN: *goes to make a motion with his hands*
KILLIAN: *pulls a ward from around his neck and smirks* Nice try. Just introduce yourself...
JULIAN: Julian Reever.
KILLIAN: Killian Wyndham.

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*both look at each other and smirk*
Ash: We shared a bedroom. It was a very trying time in our lives.
Kai: *laughs* Was at the beginning, yeah. Two twin beds pushed to opposite sides of the room, literal line down the middle from masking tape colored black

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Jess: *sighs to herself* This is going to be a long month of memories, isn't it.
Marcus: *gives her a sad smile* I think it tends to happen a lot during the holidays. If something's too hard, we'll skip it, okay? I've never been much of a rule-breaker, but

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SETH: Fruity pebbles with sliced strawberries in the bowl.
TALIA: And it's still his favorite. *chuckles*
SETH: You've never complained about my fruity cereal addiction. I remember many a morning you joined in.
TALIA: I have and it was great. But nothing

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TALIA: Oh! Suuuuper easy question. *smiles wide* I could form you a playlist of songs you could play on repeat.
SETH: *laughs* She's not lying. So let me guess... Social Distortion?
TALIA: *taps her nose with a big smile* Easy guess cause you know me

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TALIA: *looks up as her phone pings on her desk* *Texts* I have a huge Anatomy project due Monday... On the 1st day of Thanksgiving break so can't talk. *frowns as she searches the text and selects a snippet that sends to the rooms*

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TALIA: *sighs and looks down at her lap* My father...and I'm not sure I cope well. I just get sorta turned around inside and don't really know what to do.
SETH: I try really hard not to let what others do and say push my buttons, so I think brushing things

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TALIA: I play my acoustic guitar. Usually outside if I can find somewhere quiet and I just close my eyes and play the first songs that come to mind.
SETH: *smiles* I eat a bowl of ice cream, naked on the couch while I watch one of those cheesy romantic

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TALIA: Uh...Grilled cheese with like 3 different cheeses and dijon mustard. *chuckles*
SETH: Faaaaancy. *smirks*
TALIA: It was. And I totally ate the whole thing all by myself. Both triangles.
SETH: *laughs*
TALIA: And you, Mr. Rockstar?

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TALIA: *grabs an apple juice and sits on the couch* I guess it's the same drill as last time where we need to introduce ourselves?
SETH: *taps the tablet to bring up the question* Looks that way.
TALIA: Talia Grey, senior at Anthabask Academy and recent

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TALIA: *playfully growls out* Smell me! Ha. Ha. Ha. *steeples her fingers with a wiggle* My plan is complete! World domination is afoot.
SETH: *laughs* How much candy have you already had.
TALIA: *raises 2 fingers before pushing 1 down* 1 bag. *smirks*

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TINTIN: *sets the tablet aside and looks at Tabby*
TABBY: What? Is it bad?
TINTIN: The minute I plug that word in a couple scenarios will come up...
TABBY: *swallows hard* Dragon...or my dad.
TINTIN: *nods* And considering you snuck away to plant flowers

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TALIA: *looks at Seth* Team up against the killer?
SETH: You go high, I go low and we hope for the best?
TALIA: Basically... *laughs* I've had it with birds to last a lifetime. Ravens especially.

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TINTIN: *grabs a coffee in his kitchen and heads to the back to let the dogs out before work* *checks his phone* *texts in* I'd prefer to know and then I can figure out how to deal with the situation better or if it can even be dealt with. *sends and

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TALIA: *groans as the pings wake her up* *moves her textbook off her pillow and grabs her phone, looking at the one snippet available* *groggily* You had to wake me up for one choice? *groans and hits accept, before pulling the pillow over her head*

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TABBY: *smiles when she walks in the room*
TINTIN: Hey, stranger.
TABBY: **chuckles* I just saw you.
TINTIN: I know. *smirks* Just giving you shit.
TABBY: *grabs a mug for coffee with a happy spring in her step* What's the question?

1 2

TALIA: *yawns* Gotta make this quick, I've gotta get to class.
SETH: *shows her the tablet*
TALIA: Last. Too many possibilities in between to just go out at a drop of a hat.
SETH: Eh, I'm on the fence about this but I suppose I'll say last too and we can

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TINTIN: *grabs a to-go coffee and a prepackaged donut and sits* *pops open the bag on the donut and looks at the question* *arches a brow* The f*ck? *reads it again* Guess I've gotta kiss Janie 32 times, get it over with and then head to the dentist.

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