[wip] past me really thought picking this picture would be fun and not Very Difficult™️

anyway chenji fanart coming soon

0 19

beli ice cream ft chenji

127 806

they're just talking 💛💛⭐️⭐️💫💫💛💛 🐬🐭 LITTLE TWIN STARS 💛⭐️⭐️⭐️💫💛💛💕💕💕

4 21

ARCADE 🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🕹🐬🐬🐭🐭🐭💫💫🕹🕹 🐬🐭 they just played basketball for 20 mins lol

7 25

spoiler chenji this and that season 2 episode 13

1 13

chenji this and that: the penguin and the chick 🐧🐤

21 45

chenji little twin stars <3

8 14


0 2

🫶 they switched roles this time lmao😭


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