• Childe:
- boyfriend material-type of selcas
- all about that aesthetic
- the most active member, posts the most selca

5 13

happy birthday childe

Childe: u're giving urself to me for my birthday aether???
aether: um... kinda..?

Childe x Aether

10 236

Harbinger x Lumine, another crack HC where albedo's potion went wrong and turns lumine into a kid

• girlie!!
• twirls and princess-carry her all day
• makes sure she's warm, full, and happy
• +9999 damage each time she calls him 'taru'
• "taru, sleep.."
• childe:

110 546

when the traveler finally arrives to snezhnaya and meets the other “stronger” harbringers…


0 2

Pulcinella: What do you mean this is how you have been dressing in Liyue? Do you not feel cold, do you not feel the shame?!

Childe: Sexy, free and single 💅🏻

42 362

Aether: 😴
Childe: 💀

557 6849

[emote redraw]

childe: /talks non-stop
traveler: /shoves a fish

0 5

Childe:……Orange taste good too.

18 151

Childe: good morning-....dont make me,my dear xiansheng 💦

38 414

Childe: Yasuo

Quer matar todo mundo

23 260

Childe: *slurp slurp* *nom nom*

53 343

Modern Yu Yan x Childe: Yu Yan plays video games for the first time

Modern Yu Yan x Thoma: Watching a movie together

0 4

Childe: Hey comrade, wanna go out? (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Childe: ∑(゚ロ゚〃)!! *gasp*

142 1158

childe: 🥺 aether: 😒

3263 15744

Childe: Hey, girlie.
Lumine: *doki,doki,doki* 💓💓💓

I love Childe in serious face mode.

80 489