yo THAT'S IT for the Ryou route??

not even the writers had time for the poor girl this is so fucking sad

0 6

when you eat your girl's last mint creme Oreo

2 10

Okazaki is going to destroy a perfectly fine family relationship my mc

0 6

Kyou isn't available i guess we'll settle for now 😔🤙

0 4

Kyou cucking her own sister AWESOME girl!

0 12

Sir the operation was a success

congrats on the new cock

0 20

Kappei you fiend where is my fucking Child support!

0 8

homie about to die but he do be looking cute on his pajamas doe 😳

0 4

doing the other routes after this one will SUCK so hard now since tomoya won't remember his childhood and Kotomi will remain depressed and alone eating paper in the library...

0 13

really liking the dynamic between the group of friends in this route

0 4

the power move to kiss a girl besides her dead brother's grave

0 16

Finished Tomoyo route

wasn't very into it at first but the second half was strong. A little disappointed in the ending since I was loving the break up direction and thought they had something special there but I'm still positive on it

best route so far

0 13

who needs women when i got porn and my buddy sunohara

0 4