I forgot to wish a happy birthday to the brilliant David Lynch, who turned 76 yesterday. Here are the girls from Twin Peaks, his iconic 90's show that changed tv.

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RIP Cara Williams, who starred with Harry Morgan in the two season sitcom PETE AND GLADYS (CBS, 1960-1962) and in the one season wonder THE CARA WILLIAMS SHOW (CBS, 1964-1965).

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Remembering the hilarious Lucille Ball on her birthday. I dare you to keep a straight face while watching this classic Vitameatavegamin skit from I love Lucy.

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Remembering the wonderful Estelle Getty on her birthday, the unforgettable Sophia Petrillo in The Golden Girls. What's your favorite quote from her?

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Happy birthday to the wonderful Cheryl Ladd, who is 70 today! Unforgettable as Jill's little sister, angel Kris Munroe. Who is your favourite angel?

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And last but not least for today, happy birthday to the wonderful Lindsay Wagner. Unforgettable as the Bionic woman.

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Remembering the wonderful on her birthday. Unforgettable as Samantha in the beloved fantasy sitcom Have you seen paid a wonderful homage to that show.

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🥚Happy Easter from Vincent Price, here pictured as "Egghead" from the 1960s "Batman" series 🎨Art by Suspirialand🥚#VincentPrice

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