almost finish, i must say i'm not quite good at colourin'

7 38

The Queen’s Gambit 🤔 imagine sheidheda and fighting and madi trying to help Lexa 💔

80 389

kudos to all the talented artists out there in twittersphere...

9 35

has inspired art & will continue to do so....
46 months without Lexa

9 49

Nothing will make me understand that yall knew about the BYG trope and discussed it in the writers room and proceeded to kill Lexa anyway in the most toxic way, nothing. And nothing will even begin to fix it besides


21 58

you know exactly how badly we need clexa to be endgame. you know what it'll do to us. you know why you should do it. you know how to do it. so please, nike said it...


20 47

Ratings dropped after you shot yourself in the foot by killing . is your last chance to redeem yourselves

8 20

So it's 1306 days without Lexa today. She was killed in the episode called Thirteen. In 7 days it will be 1313 days without Lexa. I think this would be the perfect day (10/7) to announce Lexa's return, don't you?

14 32

Imagine having the power to heal thousands and thousands of broken hearts all over the world, by doing one simple thing. one. simple. thing. I know what I'd do..

19 32

Merged two hearts together.
And two hands in one intertwined.
Your union is indestructible.
For the rest of your life.
You have two fates connected.
And the soul together fastened.
Your heart is burning fire of eternal love.
Art by

6 19

We all make mistakes. What matters is how we deal with them. Listen, apologize, fix them, make amends. That's what you do

Dear , how important would a positive resolution be?

38 57