15 years ago today, Club Penguin officially launched.

Club Penguin was a pioneer of online gaming and communities. Its legacy is and always will be legendary.

Happy Birthday, Club Penguin. I miss you

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Respond with your all time favourite Club Penguin party! It can be any party from classic Club Penguin or CPI, post it below!

Mine is the 2006 Christmas Party as it was my first Christmas on Club Penguin, so it's very special to me...

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Happy 15th Birthday Club Penguin!!! You know it amazes me how one franchise was able to bring so many people together and even keep them together 15 years later. It's had such an impact on so many people's lives, it's truly phenomenal and heart warming ❤️🐧

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Happy 15th Anniversary to Club Penguin, the game that shaped my childhood and launched my video-making career.

Whether you played the original Club Penguin, Club Penguin Island, or a Club Penguin Private Server, you are welcome in this community. Waddle on ❤

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Igloos were always one of my favorites and my hobbies. It's all about creativity, endless fun. These igloos with the patterns of rugs and furniture in a row and wall furniture and the nostalgia-feel of igloos makes you feel like revisiting it.

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I can't believe it's been 15 years since the launch of one of the most amazing games of all time. Thought I would share some screenshots from back in 2008 of my penguin to celebrate.
Sadly, I lost most of my screenshots.. Fortunately, I could find some online! :D

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