Hello! This is my OTS catalogue for comifuro-15~
All these merchs will be available on 24 Sept 2022 (Day 1 ONLY)!!
For Zhongli x Lumine merchs will be in very LIMITED STOCKS! So grab it fast~
See you there~

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My Catalogue for Comic Frontier 15(CF15) is out now

Prepare your wallet and come visit me booth,Paramaso. C 35-36ab

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Preorders closing tomorrow! See you at the event.

Say hi to our artists or commission them so they can feed their 7 African children.

Artists on-site:

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Here's what I'll be selling!!! Fandoms are Genshin Impact and Chainsawman. There will be some original merchs as well!

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Something a little different-- smol sticker for . There'll be... a lot more.
I'll be there at A21-24, both days : 3

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kemooon mampir ke meja kitaaaa
cek komen buat katalog lengkapnya

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Comifuro 15 Catalogue [Part One]

Ini katalogku yah gais, sabi dicek dan dibeli ~
untuk PO bisa DM aku yah, boleh PO untuk on-site atau yg mau dikirimm <3<3

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Katalog comifuro bareng 🤝 ayok mampir dan jajan, mwehe🙏🏻 share sangat diapresiasi 🙏🏻✨

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RT very appreciated ❤️(1/3)
Hullo! Berikut katalog punya Jones untuk OTS (tdk bisa booking)

Seperti yg sebelumnya, ini Jones cuma nitip barang ke booth Insanitea G21-b

Fandom list cont >>

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Hallo semua, CF sebentar lagi nih.. aku bakalan hadir di Booth B-07b
Dibawah ini adalah katalog yg akan dijual nanti..
See u In comifuro 15

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Selanjutnya totebag!
Ukuran 33x36cm
Dilapis kain katun kotak2 di dalamnya
Muat laptop 13 inch dgn masih banyak space kosong!
Print langsung di kain jadi ga akan luntur gambarnya!

Book untuk pick up di CF langsung DM aku aja yaa

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Untuk standee ukurannya sekitar 10cmx11cm

Print 1 sisi: 90.000
Print 2 sisi: 110.000

Book langsung DM aku aja yaa

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Selanjutnya ada Baal, Kokomi, Gorou, dan Itto!

Baal dan Kokomi: 40.000/pcs
Itto dan Gorou: 45.000/pcs
Bahan akrilik ketebalan 3mm, ukuran sekitar 4x5cm, print bolak-balik

Untuk book buat diambil di tempat bisa langsung DM aku yaa~

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Semua yg tertera di katalog adalah barang ready stock 💖
Pls take note that it is SUPER LIMITED STOCK karna nyetak dikit banget hweng
Ada free sticker beikazu juga min. purchase 50k mweheheh (selagi masih ada)

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[RTs Appreciated🙏✨]

Hello! This is my personal catalogue for at ICE BSD, 24 Sep 2022
I will be at booth D-45b Saturday only!
Fandom: Genshin Impact(mainly xiaoaether)

Please check out my booth mates catalogue:

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Hanya barang yang ready OTS yang di list
Item bundles dan barang" PO closed.
Limited items available, bisa di book.
PO barang" tertentu bisa dipesan di oren + ijo kalau stock CF habis

14 26

RTs appreciated! 🥹♥️

My catalogue for (D-07) sunday only! Also test your genshin impact keychains luck with real gachapon machine! 👀

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