Pulcinella/Polichinelo: Polichinelo é uma antiga personagem-tipo e burlesca da commedia dell'arte, cujas raízes remontam ao teatro da Roma Antiga. Se caracteriza pelo nariz longo, cifose, grande barriga, barrete, roupa multicolorida e fala tremida e esganiçada.

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FS1 Wataru is a jester, this is how Wataru chooses to represent himself and he's not any jester! He's Arleccino which is based on the trope from commedia dell'arte. Arleccino is someone who can be interpreted as either a buffon or a demon in some representations of the work.

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You may be a clone but there is something unique about you.

Alpha build il Dottore/v3
But with Coviello (Commedia dell'arte, zanni) vibe.

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Wait a minute. Hold on! Could it be that the surviving youngest clone is Coviello? (Commedia dell'arte, zanni ) And he will come to story quest with a sword and a guitar or mandoline? Holy shit...

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I love commedia delle'arte *knows barely anything about it and fucks up the characters*

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„Tutta la vita umana non è se non una commedia, in cui ognuno recita con una maschera diversa, e continua nella parte, finché il gran direttore di scena gli fa lasciare il palcoscenico.“
Erasmo da Rotterdam, Elogio della follia

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A persona 5 OC, I only have her nickname "Jester" right now, but I plan to work on her a lot soon! Her persona is called Arlecchino (after the commedia del arte)

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Gli uomini o la loro maschera
quando per un segnale incomprensibile
lì nella brulicante commedia
l’azione s’interrompe
e ristà, a un tratto, il gioco delle parti
Buonanotte ☺️🙋

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🔶♦️🔸 Ladies and gentlemen, the masks of The Harlequin Company are back! Ready to make a mess! 🔸♦️🔶

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- “스카라무슈”는 코메디아 델라르테Commedia dell'arte 라는 이탈리아 즉흥가면 희곡에 등장하는 “광대”를 뜻함.
(우인단 전체의 코드네임 어원이기도 함)

세 이름을 모두 관통하는 주제는 모두 “무대에 오르는 배역”이란 건데, 이는 스카라무슈라는 개인 스토리/캐릭터성과도 연결 됨.

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Leaving Hell (Inferno XXXIV). Detail from the Dante, Divina Commedia, Urbino and Ferrara, 1477-1478. Collection: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, https://t.co/8CZJe6YOLm.365, fol. 95v.

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Amor, ch’a nullo amato amar perdona,
mi prese del costui piacer sì forte,
che, come vedi, ancor non m’abbandona.
Divina Commedia – Inferno – Canto V – Dante Alighieri

A te che leggi🌻

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จริงๆ ตอนเขียนฟิกพันจง ที่บอกว่าพี่พันเป็น “ตัวตลกที่ไม่เคยสมหวังในรัก” เรฟ Commedia dell'arte มานิดหน่อย เพราะ Pantalone ในละครชอบไปจีบสาว แต่โดนปฏิเสธตลอด 😂

(ที่น่าสนใจคือเขาว่าเป็นคาร์ที่สื่อถึงวัยชรา ในคลิปฟาทุยผมพี่พันนี่ไม่รู้ว่าเงาหรือจงใจออกแบบให้ดูหงอก แต่รูปนี้ชัดมาก)

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