"I am a monster"

Corrupt Steven has a beautiful design and I drew it ^^

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1 9

Reminder I still be in that corruption shit

4 58

Oh angst my good old friend how nice of you to elbow me in the gut and remind me corrupted Steven continues to grow as a possibility

10 46

These two pages took quite a lot of time. And, since no one wanted to participate in the creation of a large comic strip, I made just a mini comic strip.
I hope it was worth it.

5 11

I am currently overly OBSESSED with especially the theory. I can't wait to see the next episodes.

4 14

hhhhh I’m very proud of this imma just post it here too 😫😫
Worm guy huge guy thicc guy.
I’m not ready for the show to end and probably neither are you.

5 31

Help I've got a new obsession heh. By no means is this an original idea heh but here is some corrupted Steven!

2 6

I imagine Steven will start out the size of a large dog and gradually get bigger

8 31

Steven Universe Future but Steven literally just goes feral

16 53