Day 21 - Magic Mentor Returns

Piedlock has been there with them the whole time, sure, but here he points out the prize inside the weasel if only someone is willing to get their paws dirty digging it out.

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Day 20 - Weak and Wounded

It took a while to defeat the dog-toy weasel because it has a different idea of what fun play means. Dog toy play is exhausting!

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Day 19 - Hideous Horror

Is that the unicorn? Oh my goodness, no. What the heck IS that?

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Day 18 - Distracted and Delayed

The group pause at the swingset as memories of Isobel remind them of why they are on this quest in the first place

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Day 17 - Gaining New Ground

"Why not just go around the pool?" asked Cotton.
"One, it's a shortcut. Two, it was on the map, therefore the story has declared it important. If we go around it, the dog will see us approaching and attack us."

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Day 14 - Lost and Listless

It's a big world out there outside the toy room and the house. Also, it's wet and gross.

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Day 13 - Mending Materials

Even with the umbrella, Cotton has gotten soaked through in the rain. Maybe being in the laundry wasn't a mistake?

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Journey June Day 12 - Magic Mentor

Yes, Piedlock the shadow mouse has been there the whole time, but he seemed like the appropriate magical guide to introduce, so let's say that this is when Covington and Cotton actually notice the umbral squeaker.

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Day 11 - Peculiar Puzzle

Having enjoyed tea and introductions, Covington and Cotton follow the dog's barking to the door to the backyard. Covington figures they can get through it the same way the dog did.. sort of.

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Day 10 - Cooking up Friendship

Covington and the rabbit (Cotton?) make a fort out of the laundry and have a tea party

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Day 9 - Suitable Savior

Covington's "push it off the shelf" motto comes in handy for solving all sorts of problems.

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Day 8 - A Sticky Situation

Is that a bunny stuck in that hamper? How is this any of Covington's problem?

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Day 7 - Confusing Loot

Why did someone leave a loaded squirt gun on top of a roomba? Who cares? That circle sucker fell victim to Covington's "Push it off the shelf" philosophy

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Day 6 - First Obstacle "Tiny Test"

Covington hears the growl of an angry robot, heading his way. This sucks.

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Day 5 - The Journey Begins

Covington doesn't bother with goodbyes - especially when the whole toy room was yelling at him to go fix the mess he made. He'll be right back, anyway. Right?

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Day 4 - Answer's Aftermath

In order to guilt Covington into fixing the mess he made, the other toys pull out the big guns and make him think about how Isobel will feel. Truly a low blow, playing the "You're gonna make Isobel cry" card!

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Day 3 - Answering the Call

The toys insist that since Covington pushed the unicorn where the dog could get him, it is now his responsibility to rescue him. Covington counters to this with, "The world isn't fair," "He can rescue himself," and "No."

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Gotta get Kevin Holland in the book so I’m playing around with a live sketch from the Woolley vs Covington card.

The initial drawing is unremarkable but it provides a good jumping off point.
3rd pic is too stiff. 4th one we’re getting some where dynamic.

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