Charles-Antoine Coypel (11 July 1694 – 15 June 1752) perseus-rescuing-andromeda-charles-antoine-coypel-

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Nöel-Nicolas Coypel. El rapto de Europa. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

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Charles-Antoine Coypel (11 July 1694 – 15 June 1752) perseus-rescuing-andromeda-charles-antoine-coypel-

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Longtemps attendu, le voilà enfin... Le suractif Guillaume Kazerouni devrait pouvoir se consacrer aux expositions Devambez et Noël Coypel, entre autres 🙂

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Charles-Antoine Coypel (11 July 1694 – 15 June 1752) was a French painterCharles Antoine_Coypel_-_Psyché_abandonnée_par_l'Amour

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Charles-Antoine Coypel (11 July 1694 – 15 June 1752) was a French painter Moliere -Charles-Antoine Coypel (11 July 1694 – 15 June 1752) was a French painter2

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The Rape of Europa, by Noël-Nicolas Coypel

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The Rape of Europa, by Noël-Nicolas Coypel

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Noël Nicolas Coypel, The Miracles of Saint James the Greater, 1726

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Dans "L'enlèvement d'Europe", Noël-Nicolas Coypel peint un des récits les plus célèbres de la mythologie grecque : celui où Zeus tente de séduire Europe sous la forme d'un taureau blanc. Dans cette oeuvre, l'aspect féérique, doux et merveilleux éclipse tout le drame du récit.

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Hercules Making a Sacrifice to Jupiter
Art by Noel Coypel

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« Le XVIIIe siècle est le parent pauvre de la peinture française » est une absurdité quand François Boucher, Noël Nicolas-Coypel, Antoine Watteau, Jacques Louis David, Elisabeth Vigée Le Brun, Hubert Robert ou encore François Lemoyne ont brillé de part leur talent.

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Perseus Rescuing Andromeda.
By Charles Antoine Coypel

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Apollo Crowned by Victory
By Noël Coypel.

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The Resurrection of Christ, c.1700

Noël Coypel (1628 - 1707)

Museum of Fine Arts of Rennes

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"The Abduction of Europa" by Noel Nicolas Coypel, 1726-1727, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC.

A beautiful painting that depicts the story told in "Ovid's Metamorphoses."

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Antoine Coypel (1661-1722). «Man Resting in the Lap of a Woman», black chalk, white highlights and red chalk; squared for transfer; beige-tinted paper, 28.5x43.5 cm, 1716-17. Musée du Louvre, Paris.

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Hercules Making a Sacrifice to Jupiter, 1700
Sacrifice to Jupiter, 18th c.

by Noël Coypel

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Noel Coypel (25 December 1628 -- 24 December 1707) was a French painter

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