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La siguiente será Megara de Hércules

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El SX3 aposta per les pel·lícules d'anime i per a públic familiar en una Setmana Santa plena d'estrenes al i

👉 També es podran veure sèries noves i programes especials de Pasqua de "Titó" i "Ràndom"

➡️ https://t.co/uQZln9TnF5

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Now I have to draw her as Hades. "But Ember is not blue", we alrrady saw in the trailer that she can be blue by touching chrystals, so she can be blue gor a Hades cosplay

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Eae, meu nome é elena, sou uma artista trans com o sonho de fazer uma comic chamada pecado angelical, a protagonista Alex é trans e tem o gene de hércules, q faz o corpo n produzir uma proteína que inibe o crescimento muscular

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The talented Sam Raimi (Director/Producer) will be signing with Streamily at Megacon! Personalized autographed prints delivered right to you!


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Been watching Hercules The Animated Series on Disney+ mainly because I have the Greek Gods on my mind rn, and I drew this out of two episodes inspiring me I hope you guys like this.

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I had to delete pic cause the eye was throwing me off 💦

fixed it.

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Meu top 15 dos mais Poderosos de Shuumatsu
1- Zeus
2- Adao
3- Belzebu
4- Tesla
5- Sasaki
6- qin
7- hades
8- poseidon
9- thor
10- Shiva
11- buda
12- lu bu
13- Hajun
14- Raiden
15- Hércules
16- Zerofuku
17- Jack

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Des de demà passat a les 0.06 fins al dimarts de la setmana que ve a les 21.36 (és a dir, en només 1 setmana), s'emetran 10 pel·lícules d'anime al Club Super3 que no s'hi havien emès mai (serà l'estrena en català de la meitat a més).

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Reposting my megara from Hercules fanart bc I can and I’m drowning in comms so no new art for you 😂💀😭

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Hércules y la hidra de Lerna (Gustave Moreau 1826–98) Chicago Pintado en 1876 por Moreau, el simbolista por excelencia. Produjo más de 15.000 pinturas, acuarelas y dibujos. Célebre por sus alegorías, temas bíblicos y mitológicos

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a fate(anime) cross-over would be perfect for smite saber(King Arthur),lancer(Cu chulain),archer(Gilgamesh),and berserker(Hercules) trust me on this 😌 i need this collab

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hercules has points here tbh -- as much as i LOVE cassies rebirth design anytime she appears in a WW lineup she looks so terribly unmythic compared to the rest of the women in armour

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Steddie x Hercules AU

Just a quick lil thing I threw together because I watched a lot of Disney this week

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Heracles and the Centaur Nessus - Pencil and dusts on paper.
“Hercules and the Centaur Nessus” is a marble statue by the Flemish-Italian artist, Giambologna. It was made between 1595 and 1599.

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Ok guys, who pulls of the beardless look better? Hercules or Thor?

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I still love the idea of gender bent Hercules & Aladdin, I wish we would get those films.


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1. His name is Captain Marvel, much like Carol

2. He can canonically outrace The Flash

3. He can punch a giant robot so hard that it creates a black hole

4. He defeated the actual Hercules in single combat

DC’s Captain Marvel wins

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